Specialist And Supported Living Vacancies
These are a snapshot of some current vacancies. Many providers will still be looking for staff so if you can't see a role that suits you then just complete our online form and we can support you to find something
Specialist care providers meet the needs of adults 18+ that have complex health conditions or challenging behaviours. This can include:
Enduring mental health
Personality disorders
Learning disabilities
Complex physical conditions
Long term conditions
Types of support include:
This care setting is usually for Adults 18+ who have specialist needs (Learning Disabilities / Mental Health / Challenging Behaviours etc). These are homes where there are a small number of residents who have their independence but there is always care / support staff within the home to offer support where required
This kind of care / support is usually around supporting people to engage in social activities (swimming / go to church / cinema / shopping / sports / concerts / eating out / attend college or university etc). A support worker may take a client out for a few hours to encourage them to maintain social skills and interests. It can also include going on holiday or on day trips etc.