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Extra Care & Sheltered Housing Vacancies

These are a snapshot of some current vacancies.  Many providers will still be looking for staff so if you can't see a role that suits you then just complete our online form and we can support you to find something






An Extra Care Home is where there are a number of flats but they are all in one building.  This is like a middle ground between a client living independently in their own home and being in a Residential Home.  An Extra Care Home has some shared optional facilities such as a dining room and activity room but each flat has its own independence with a kitchen for people to cook their own meals etc and keep their independence whilst having a Care Worker support them on a daily basis and there always being someone around if they need support.



This care setting is very similar to an Extra Care Home where residents receive care and support but live in an independent way with a warden on site if they need support..



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More vacancies coming soon..

New vacancies coming soon

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